Monday, July 21, 2014

AngularJS : Controller Factory Service Example

The sample below code demonstrate use of factory with controller and how we can share data among controllers.

Html Output

Controller A



Controller B



<html data-ng-app="app" id="ng-app" lang="sv">


<title>Customer App</title>


<div data-ng-controller="oControllerA">

<h1>Controller A</h1>



<input type="text" data-ng-model="dataObject.color" />


<div data-ng-controller="oControllerB">

<h1>Controller B</h1>



<input type="text" data-ng-model="dataObject.color" />




var app = angular.module('app', []);

app.factory('ShareService', function () {

return {

dataObject: { color: "Seal" }


app.controller('oControllerA', ['$scope', 'ShareService', function ($scope, ShareService) {

$scope.dataObject = ShareService.dataObject;


app.controller('oControllerB', ['$scope', 'ShareService', function ($scope, ShareService) {

$scope.dataObject = ShareService.dataObject;



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